We suggest a specific type of workshop, during which, through loose, yet moderated discussions, the issue presented at the meeting is comprehensively analysed and possible solutions are suggested. Instead of rigid presentations, readings and classes, the participants talk with each other, exchange experiences, present their own views, and because by definition they represent various professions, each voice counts and gives a new meaning to a given matter.
Why us?
- We organise The World Café meeting in local communities when there is a need to discuss the most urgent needs (for example unemployment, building a new industrial facility, driving children to school).
- We provide a method which harnesses the intellectual potential found within local communities and spurs them into action, creating a dynamic lobby group capable of influencing central decision makers.
- We provide the results of the meeting, which are passed on to the organizers, journalists and participants in the form of a report, serving as a perfect material for analysis.
Characteristic elements of The World Café meetings:
- Introduction of the discussed issue.
- Discussion of the issue in small workgroups (participants seated at one table).
- Presentation of the findings of individual groups.
- Systematisation of the findings, assigning them with ranks of importance.
- Laying out the action plan – finding the decision makers who are capable of acting in the fields of interest.